In the spirit of compromise, I have acquiesced on the cucumbers for the next section, but standing firm on apples and cheese. And my chair stays.

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OMG. You read my posts?! ;)

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A vote for apples 🙂

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My favorite two things from this update:

-- seed bread on the trail!

-- "I'm no longer taking feedback"

Looking good out there!

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You have a following from Vermont! There's a pack of outdoor enthusiasts---friends of mine--- back here who've asked that I forward ALL updates to them. We are ALL savoring each update. Now, when I see an update land in my Inbox, I intentionally carve out :30 to savor EVERY morsel! Gib, you are an amazing Writer! Gib and Kristen, you are an AMAZING TEAM! And you are 60!!!!!!!!!

Thank GOD you are staying WELL SALTED and avoiding sodium dilute. Stay safe!

Do you have Bear Bells or Bear spray? No kidding!

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Just back on grid. No bear bells or spray. But bear box required Thru parts of Sierra. Many thanks for being a fan!

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Crossing my fingers for the San Jacinto mountains! The tram at Palm Springs still has some snow, but it doesn’t look too bad. The weather in Idylwild looks to be in the 50s and 60s during the days! Good melting weather!!

I think we are all going to steal “I’m no longer taking feedback!”

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Steal away! Just back on grid and lots of research tomorrow, Friday 4/21 , before we restart in San Bernardino’s saturday

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Love the shared wisdom and insight. “I’m no longer taking feedback.”.....I may have to borrow that, Puddin’.

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Great post! Your sense of humor is intact and will serve you well on this amazing journey. I do think you made the right call on the cukes.

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Andy and I were thinking of you yesterday as we (day) hiked the mountains here in Victoria, Australia (the Bogong High Plains) from our base at Mt Hotham. You guys are amazing!

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Woot! See you in Tasmania sometime!

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Your stories are so fun to read and you get my vote for most excellent posh hikers! All that fresh unprocessed food! You are so well prepared and hiking an inspirational hike. Happy Trails!❤️😊🙏

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I start each day in my tent with a Happy Baby stretch. Thanks Chery for adding to my PCT experience and saving my back.

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Thanks, Chery!

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Love reading your accounts. Was your writing this good on the McCann Scan??? Can hardly wait to see if you bring back the chair . . . . . Is it worth the wait/weight?

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Thanks for the nice comment. I’d bet my writing didn’t get better until the last eight years of semi-retirement when I reliably wrote something each week.

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Hey, so when you are OFF loading gear in order to lighten your loads, are you declaring that you will not use it again on the trail? Or do you have the ability to off load and then get it back again? If you choose to offload the chair, where's it go and can you change your mind and get it back again??


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The bounce box loosely follows us so stuff can go in/out from there. Gib

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