From Ashland to Cascade Locks, battling snow, heat, long water carries, tree blowdowns, and mosquitos. But the pay-off was gorgeous Cascade views and weekends with friends and family in Bend.
For the RECORD, you 2 ARE JUST soooooooooo darned amazing how you navigate EVERYTHING so beautifully. You are inspiring MANY people and I am leaning into all that you share. Thank you for sharing all of these fabulous details!
Hi Gib. This is Bruce Mast, Steve Murray's friend whom you had for dinner at your house last summer in early August. Just want to say, "Fantastic!!" I am truly impressed with this and have enjoyed reading about your adventures. Be safe!!
Hi from Mascoma Lake NH where the loons are literally calling out as I write this! I love following your adventures, thanks for the effort to write and keep us updated when you can. Congrats on living the dream and apparently keeping your sense of humor 😉 KarMMa, are you still eating hazelnuts???
Love these blogs and reading your updates, a great reminder that there is a life out there to be had! The trip seems a rejuvenator as you seem 10 years younger on each of the photos. Taking notes about all your learnings to plan the first backpacking trip for Martin and myself!
on the AT i was told there are two kinds of fevers you can get: one caused by lyme and the other caused by wanting to hike the PCT. all of your posts are definitely giving me PCT fever.
"We're sixty!" 😆 Clarification: Badass sixty year olds! What an incredible journey you've been on. I love reading these posts. Thank you for sharing and good luck on your Canadian adventures, eh!
Finally, a newsletter! I was missing them! So good to have lots of info on your hike! Loved the drama at the beginning of the newsletter before going back to what you have been up to! Question: if you go back mid August to California and walk through all September won’t you have time to do the sierra? And yes, I’m worried we won’t be able to follow those bad ass 60 year old dammits!
Gib - is it true that you're allowed only one "not open to feedback" moment in each state? If so, it seems you're doing well - and that you've only got one left. Meantime, love your updates! Safe travels in WA.
I love reading about your times both on the trail and off the trail. You have had a very eclectic experience in the wilds but also in civilization. You are both an inspiration. I backpack, too, but I am impressed with your spirit and zeal for the trail. I send my best wishes for safety and beautiful experiences!
Fantastic update Pudding. I loved the "don't be shitty, when it's shitty" comment...great self-awareness and brilliant life lesson for all. I appreciated the weight update and the continuous striving for a lighter weight pack. If I were to get you something for Xmas, I think it would be one of those heavy weighted blankets you put on dogs to help them get through thunderstorms. ;-)
For the record, amongst blowdowns, snow and mosquitoes, I can handle 2 of the 3 concurrently, but not all 3 at the same time.
That’s true!
For the RECORD, you 2 ARE JUST soooooooooo darned amazing how you navigate EVERYTHING so beautifully. You are inspiring MANY people and I am leaning into all that you share. Thank you for sharing all of these fabulous details!
Hi Gib. This is Bruce Mast, Steve Murray's friend whom you had for dinner at your house last summer in early August. Just want to say, "Fantastic!!" I am truly impressed with this and have enjoyed reading about your adventures. Be safe!!
Thanks! Nice to hear from you. Gib
Hi from Mascoma Lake NH where the loons are literally calling out as I write this! I love following your adventures, thanks for the effort to write and keep us updated when you can. Congrats on living the dream and apparently keeping your sense of humor 😉 KarMMa, are you still eating hazelnuts???
Good luck on the next leg of your journey!!
Love these blogs and reading your updates, a great reminder that there is a life out there to be had! The trip seems a rejuvenator as you seem 10 years younger on each of the photos. Taking notes about all your learnings to plan the first backpacking trip for Martin and myself!
Go for it!
on the AT i was told there are two kinds of fevers you can get: one caused by lyme and the other caused by wanting to hike the PCT. all of your posts are definitely giving me PCT fever.
"We're sixty!" 😆 Clarification: Badass sixty year olds! What an incredible journey you've been on. I love reading these posts. Thank you for sharing and good luck on your Canadian adventures, eh!
Finally, a newsletter! I was missing them! So good to have lots of info on your hike! Loved the drama at the beginning of the newsletter before going back to what you have been up to! Question: if you go back mid August to California and walk through all September won’t you have time to do the sierra? And yes, I’m worried we won’t be able to follow those bad ass 60 year old dammits!
We will be juggling lots of real world stuff so will happily save high Sierra for July-ish 2024. Gib/pudding
Gib - is it true that you're allowed only one "not open to feedback" moment in each state? If so, it seems you're doing well - and that you've only got one left. Meantime, love your updates! Safe travels in WA.
Just wait for our “how to survive pct and marriage” essay coming sometime this fall
I love reading about your times both on the trail and off the trail. You have had a very eclectic experience in the wilds but also in civilization. You are both an inspiration. I backpack, too, but I am impressed with your spirit and zeal for the trail. I send my best wishes for safety and beautiful experiences!
Fantastic update Pudding. I loved the "don't be shitty, when it's shitty" comment...great self-awareness and brilliant life lesson for all. I appreciated the weight update and the continuous striving for a lighter weight pack. If I were to get you something for Xmas, I think it would be one of those heavy weighted blankets you put on dogs to help them get through thunderstorms. ;-)
Hi Ho Ho!